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Bagby Hot Springs

Visiting Bagby Hot Springs is a truly Oregonian experience, where nature’s geothermal warmth meets the wild beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Tucked deep within the majestic Mount Hood National Forest, Bagby offers a refreshing escape for adventurers willing to hike the 1.4-mile path through old-growth forest. The trailhead and campground are just under three hours from Portland and less than an hour from Estacada. Find other hot springs near Portland.

Bagby Hot Pools

Once you’ve hiked out to the hot springs, you will be presented with three soaking opportunities: Bathhouses 1, 2, and 3. Please note that the private bathhouse (#2) is currently unavailable, however, the two other communal soaking areas have been recently renovated and are ready for use.

Bathhouse #1: The Public Deck

Bagby Hot Springs Tub
Bagby Whiskey Barrel Tub

The Public Deck features one whiskey barrel soaking tub that can fit around 6-8 people. Gone are the three hollowed-out log tubs salvaged from the 1979 fire.

Bathhouse #2: The Private Deck (Closed)

The second soaking option known as the Private Deck houses five hollowed-out logs, each enclosed within a private room. This area is partially covered to allow sky views and keep your belongings dry. Please note that Bathhouse #2, aka the Private Deck, is currently closed.

Bathhouse #3: The Upper Deck

Bagby Hot Springs Soak
Enjoying a hot soak at Bagby

A short distance from Bathhouse #1 (the Public Deck) lies the third option – the Upper Deck, which was constructed by the Friends of Bagby. This large deck is home to another whiskey barrel soaking tub, which holds around 6-8 people (or so), and three single metal tubs.

Bathhouses #1 and #3 (the public and upper decks) are shared, communal soaks.

Bagby Hot Springs Access Fees

Soaking at Bagby costs $5 per person, with passes available for purchase at the trailhead (cash only) or by a credit card at the Ripplebrook Store, located near the intersection of Hwy 224 and Forest Road 46. There are no parking or day-use fees, only fees for soaking.

Alcohol Ban

Remember, alcohol is strictly prohibited at Bagby, a rule set by the Forest Service in 2002 to maintain a peaceful and safe environment. Additionally, please adhere to the “leave no trace” ethic—pack out all your belongings and trash to help preserve this cherished spot for future generations.

Bagby Hot Springs Campground

Camping is available near the trailhead on a first-come, first-served basis. The campground features 16 campsites and two vault toilets but no drinkable water.

  • Season: April/May through Labor Day. The campground is closed after Labor Day until April or May depending on weather conditions.
  • Camping Fees: Single sites are available for $25/night. Extra vehicle $8/night. Cash or check, no credit cards.

Backpacker Campground: A mere quarter mile beyond the hot springs backpackers can camp at Shower Creek Campground. Common destinations include Shower Creek Falls and Silver Lake (6 miles from Shower Creek CG) and Bull of the Woods Wilderness destinations.

Camping Considerations

  • Camping is NOT allowed along the trail or at the hot springs.
  • Primitive camping is only permitted at a distance of at least a quarter mile from the hot springs and the campground.

Supplies: The Ripplebrook Store has basic snacks and some gear plus free wi-fi access. Gas and other supplies can be purchased in Estacada.

Bagby Hot Springs Directions

Driving Directions to Bagby Hot Springs from Estacada

  1. From Estacada, drive 26 miles up the Clackamas River Basin South East on Highway 224.
  2. Turn South on FSR 46 just past Ripplebrook Guard Station.
  3. Continue on FSR 46 for 4 miles along the Collawash River until you reach a junction with FSR 63.
  4. Follow FSR 63 South for 4 miles to a junction with FSR 70.
  5. Take FSR 70 South West for 6 miles to the parking area and trailhead for Bagby Hot Springs. The campground is to the left and Bagby Hot Springs Trailhead on the right upon entering the parking area. There is also an outhouse, trash bin, and information booth on site.

Bagby Hot Springs Printable Maps

Winter Weather Warning

The Forest Service does not maintain the roads and trails into and around Bagby during the winter season and strongly discourages attempting to reach the hot springs if snow is on the ground. Every year multiple soak seekers end up getting stuck and having to contact the sheriff for assistance.

Since there is no area cell phone coverage, visitors considering a visit to Bagby during the winter season are encouraged to either call or stop by the Ripplebrook Store before attempting to reach the trailhead. Check Oregon road conditions

Conservation Efforts

As one of Oregon’s most popular hot springs destinations, Bagby sees A TON of use and abuse. Please pack out all of your belongings and all trash encountered. This special place needs all the help it can get. The Forest Service has a resource for outdoor safety and ethics that all hot springers should be well acquainted with. Bathing with soap or shampoo including biodegradable soap or shampoo is not only frowned upon but is also illegal. Don’t be THAT person.

Bagby Hot Springs Video

Bagby Hot Springs Reopens Years After Closure

Video: According to the U.S. Forest Service website, the natural hot springs have reopened since their closure.

Bagby History Lesson

Hunter and prospector, Bob Bagby, discovered the hot springs back in 1880. Not much is known about what happened between then and 1913 when Phil Putz of the Forest Service Guard built a cabin that is still present today. In the 1920s, facilities were expanded to house a small fire crew and in 1974 a new guard cabin was erected.

Over many years, a volunteer group known as The Friends of Bagby designed and constructed the current bathing facilities at Bagby. Upkeep was maintained by the Forest Service until the management of Bagby was turned over to Bagby Preservation Inc., which presently operates the hot springs, campground, and Ripplebrook Store along with The Lodge at Hot Lake Springs.

Bagby Hot Springs was closed in June 2021 due to damage from the Riverside Fire and was restored and reopened to the public on May 1st, 2024 thanks to the efforts of Bagby Preservation Inc. led by Mike and Tamarah Rysavy. As of September 21, 2024, Bagby Hot Springs reopened again after a brief closure due to the Sandstone Fire.

Bagby Hot Springs Soak Stats:

Season: Spring, Summer, Fall (access road often closed during winter)
Type: Hike (1.4 miles Bagby Hot Springs Trail #544)
GPS: 44.936 122.173
Map Quad: BATTLE AX 15 (or Mount Hood National Forest Map)
Elevation: 2,250 ft
Land: Public – Official Page (Picnic Site)
Fee: Yes – $5/person (wristbands for soaking can be purchased on-site with cash or with a credit card at the Ripplebrook Store)
Restrictions: Day use fee, no camping at springs or along trail
Usage: High
Visibility: Low
Temp: 102-105
Water Clarity: Semi-Clear
Odor: n/a
pH: n/a
Area Features: Shower Creek Falls, Silver King Lake, Bull of the Woods Wilderness
Nearby Hot Springs: Breitenbush Hot Springs
Closest Food/Gas: Estacada
Trash: High
Bugs: Moderate
Wildlife: Moderate
Camping: Paid at trailhead/parking area, backpack camping past hot springs, other nearby NF campgrounds
Clothing Optional: Only in private bathhouses
Pit Toilet: Yes

Check Oregon road conditions View statewide map of hot springs What to bring to the hot springs Hot springs guidebooks

32 thoughts on “Bagby Hot Springs”

  1. Went to Bagby in March, glad we went in the off season-heard it is very busy in the summer and police are sometimes there.  People are not being respectful of others due to the lack of packing out what they bring in…lots of garbage, I felt sad because I love those natural places that you have to put some energy in to find.  Got a private room with a hollowed out tree as a tub with my newlywed husband and it was nice to have the privacy. It started getting busy as we were leaving.

  2. Take care in Late Spring to Early Fall with your car in the parking lot. Although the Forest Service has beefed up it patrol of the area, due to it’s distance, it is a popular location to break car windows and rummage through the vehicles. 

    The trail to Bagby is 1.5 miles long one way, and the last 4th of it is uphill. There are outhouses at the Hot Springs and one in the parking lot. To the left of the parking lot seemed to be a nice dry-camping area, although I never did find out if it was day use only or if they charged a fee. 

  3. Just got back from Bagby (6/18/12) and would give serious pause to visiting again. A new group has taken over the upkeep of the place and we were immediately informed in the parking lot what we needed to pay to camp ($11 per night, CHECK OUT at noon) and $5 per person to soak. They even gave us concert-like wrist bands we were suppose to wear. The tubs were fun, same as always and very busy. The campsite, however, had many annoying new aspects. The new picknick tables often were placed right in the way of the best spot to pitch your tent. Not only did I wake up to the loud, awful sound of a leaf blower early in the morning for what seemed like forever, we were disturbed twice by the group workers dropping off a firepit (also way early in the morning) and not sure why the second time cuz we were busy in our tent and ignored them when they kept shouting “Hello? Hello??”. When the noon check out time came, it seemed there were quite a few of these workers just hanging out at our site giving us a not welcome feeling.
    I have always paid my usage fee, packed out my garbage, left a clean campsite, and respected the area. This time I felt totally disrespected. Like you can pay to be here, but we really just want your money and for you to leave. Sad.

  4. Bagby Trip Report: F-minus-minus. I have been soaking annually for about 20 years at Bagby. I usually do some cleanup and repair while I’m there, as do most conscientious visitors. After a 2-year gap, I returned for the first time since the rights to manage the site were sold to a private for-profit company that provides Patrol services. The new concessionaire, who has been
    given a uniform but not a nametag, actually committed petty vandalism on
    our vehicle by loosening the right rear tire’s valve, not realizing
    that I could see him as I was moving toward the vehicle through the
    forest. I thought it was just a local scam to make money off “repairing”
    tires and looking like a hero. Turns out, he recognized our vehicle as
    having stopped in the parking lot but not paid for whatever “services”
    he was peddling. The next day as we were soaking in the eastern
    community tub with another couple, he came in shouting “clothes on!” and
    demanding to know which vehicle we were driving. He threatened to
    physically assault me in front of witnesses. He confirmed the vehicle
    speeding away from the scene of vandalism was his, but denied the
    vandalism. He used laughably obvious aggressive and controlling body
    language to attempt to illegally search me. I hope that no one else is
    frightened or manipulated by this obviously dangerous man.

  5. Thanks for the report, Chris. Sorry to hear you were treated like that. Cops and rent-a-cops have gone psycho-terrorist in recent years, I’ll steer clear of this place till the new owners clean up their acts against humanity.

  6. I was just about to drive over there and visit for the first time with my fiance. Glad I read your report, I’ll look for another place.

  7. Spent Saturday/Sunday out there this past weekend. The usual crowds and late Saturday night drunks, but what do you expect at Bagby? Had a great soak Sunday morning, get there before 9 if you want to avoid the crowds. It IS great to see the paid employee picking up the place, and packing out bags of trash on the ATV. Worth my $5.

  8. Just soaked 1-16-2016 . Lots of snow very beautiful. Had to use buckets of snow for the isolated community tub as the cold water hose did not work. Also some interesting characters had slept in one of the cabins overnight and asked us if we had beer to trade for cannabis haha. Also have recieved warnings for not paying the 5 dollars per person on my car. I usually arrive at 7 or 8 am so the guard station is closed and nobody was on sight. Thankful for the warning. I dont like leaving an envelope of 5’s on my dash i hear of ppl getting cars broken into and really worry about that. Overall bagby is a great soak.

  9. Darryl – How rough were the roads getting out here this time of year? Considering heading out that way this week.

  10. Just lots of snow and very minimal traffic so only one lane was driven on. Had to pull off the side or in my 2000 nissan maxima i had most drivers pull to the side for me. Just have chains ready and make sure you dont get off the tire tracks because some cars can get stuck in that snow.

  11. Since the demise of friends of bagby and there influence over its upkeep, the trail has improved greatly… But all of the other aspects of the hot springs have gone very much downhill… I have been going there since the early 70s and I am discussed with what I see.. The magic has been ruined… Way to go USFS…

  12. Not really the USFS fault. Their funding by the federal Gov’t is dwindling year after year, and the only way they can afford to keep places like this operational is to contract out to private enterprises. It simply is too expensive for them to maintain the site with federal workers. Sad but true…

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