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Kitson Bathhouse Hot Springs

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12 thoughts on “Kitson Bathhouse Hot Springs”

  1. I am interested in Kitson Hot Springs. Is it still in operation or has it been tore down. I lived there in Oct of 1958 at the big lodge. I would like to go see it again if I can. Can you give me any information on its being? I was a wonderful place back then. I have forgot how to get to it since they have the dam completed. Please give me driving instruction on how I may see it. Thank you Vonda Zysett

  2. Comments: Kitson Hot Springs were donated to the Boy Scouts in 1977 and during 2000 the decrepit bathhouse structure on the 160 acre property was burnt down in a controlled fire as it was a safety concern. The foundation qucikly became a bat habitat as they were attracted to the cavernous, bunker like structure of the bathhouse.
    The new version of the bathhouse attracts hundreds of bats and has been the focus of a clean up and restoration project by the Hood-Willamette Resource Advisory Committee.
    The project put steel ‘shutters’ on doors and windows to help protect bats from predators and curious people. It also cleaned up harmful debris, improved riparian habitat and enabled some monitoring of the site.
    As for other areas of the camp, it is setup for short term Scout and Webelos overnighters, and den and pack picnics. A program shelter, 11 Adirondack shelters and a latrine are available.

    Kitson Hot Springs’ Concrete Bathhouse Structure, now home to many bats.

  3. Hi Jenni,

    I saw on the RAC info that the title II grant also went to volunteer caretakers. Do you know who these people are and how to contact them?


  4. It is no longer there. Part of the bath house is still standing but everything is capped and it is on private land owned by the boy scouts.

  5.  Supposedly, they burnt down the old building with part of the forest, and then left a concrete structure there as a bat sanctuary.

  6. I lived up in Kitson Springs when I was 10 yrs. old.   A lot of wonderful memories, I’m sad to hear it isn’t there any longer.

  7. So, in essence, this is now the “Kitson bat-house” Instead of it’s aforementioned “Kitson Bathhouse”

  8. As mentioned, it has been completely sealed off for use and is now a bat habitat. Yes it is Boy Scout territory now, our troop is finishing up its own week long camp there. It is a great campsite and a favorite destination of our troop. We are constantly making improvements and are trying to get more attention to it amongst the Scouting community. I know the troop would love to hear old stories of the place.

  9. These natural springs should obviously be available to the public, duh. Instead, they are no longer available to anyone but some bats, and that’s just bat guano crazy.

  10. This is an absolute travesty.
    As much as I love bats, this isn’t even a natural habitat for them.
    There are only so man natural hot springs in Oregon, and this one absolutely, 100% should be open to the public.
    There would be great interest in building some pools along the river, and cafe taking them.
    It’s beyond ridiculous to keep these springs sealed up like this.

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