Lehman Hot Springs East of Ukiah
Presently owned by the Stubblefield family, Lehman Hot Springs is no longer open to the public. According to an outdated website, they are currently utilizing the hot springs only for private events.
Please comment if you have updated information.
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How much is a cabin?
Is this hot spring Open to public in Oregon state
Lehman hot spring cabins.
Is this hot springs open to the public? And if so is there onsite tent camping?
Your number listed when called states # no longer in service? Is there a new number to reach your facilities? And if so, please forward that to me and also update your website.
Thanking you in advance for your immediate attention given to my request.
Lehman Hot Springs is currently closed to the public. They have been fined over $500,000 in alleged EPA/DEQ violations, according to the Eastern Oregonian, in May of this year.
So sad, too, looked like a nice place to visit…
Thanks, Gwen!
Lehman is closed until winter 2012/2013. FYI.
Is this Hot Springs still for sale?.
I think it was purchased Oct 2010.
Where did you get this info? Sure like to see Lehman open again.
Is It Open Now ? Jun 25th, 2012
is it open now? june 25, 2012
so it will open this year in 2012 on december ? how do you know that it opens do you know who owns it or what?
It is December now! Is it open yet?
Still closed to the public, looks like it may be permanent…
Yes this is sad to hear of their closing, we have been there and it was a nice Hot Springs and nice location, we wanted to go there again.