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Neal Hot Springs

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4 thoughts on “Neal Hot Springs”

  1. As the need for more energy increases we must find alternatives to existing technologies we have an apature that can produce 11,250 volts@300 amp every min.please visit our site,

  2. All the hot water is now pumped into a geothermal power plant. You can see where the hot spring used to be, just white mineral deposits on a hillside. At the base of the hillside is a patch of greenery, evidentally once a marshy area where the water collected. Among the weeds is an abandoned cinder block building with a sign advertising the resort that used to be here.

  3. A perfect of source Scam and Flim-FLAM POWER! SURE to suck in some Evil NO_NUKE Investors. Maybe Solartopia has some competition.

    Please REMEMBER NATURAL Hot Spring ARE Radioactive — They give CANCER to NO-NUKE Idiots. Radium Hot Springs My FAVORITE! Split, DON’T EMIT!

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