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Radium Hot Springs

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15 thoughts on “Radium Hot Springs”

  1. The place was originally closed because of the health department. They will never allow it to reopen, the water table is almost at the same level as the pool, and that doesn’t allow for restrooms. Unfortunately it also has a lot of hazards and cracks in the cement. The original buildings are gone, a new house sits in the old houses place and a portable cabin serves as the only changing room. All of the fiberglass fencing is gone and the wind is atrocious most of the day. It is definitely NOT the hot springs you would remember. 🙁

  2. I grew up in Baker and have fond memories of our little hot springs pool. Are visitors permitted any more?

  3. Hi Lumpy– If I were to happen to be in the area, could I come over and just look if I were to call ahead?

  4. You can try to come look, it always depends on who is there. To be honest my parents get so many people that ignore the “Closed to the Public” signs that they are very annoyed. My aunt on the other hand likes to show it off, but we won’t let anyone swim. The pool is too damaged to let people in.

  5. Thanks Lumpy. Is there a phone number I could call? I remember the pool with no crack damage, a viewing gallery, dressing room, fully enclosed with a standard diving board, metal slide and high dive platform, so it will be quite different now!

  6. That is probably the best way to remember it, The pool is almost 100 years old, it is full of cracks, the changing rooms are gone along with the slide and diving board and viewing gallery. I don’t think giving out my parents number is a good thing for me if I want to keep using the pool.

  7. I understand. I found you on facebook, hope you don’t mind. I really liked your pictures of Radium. I recognized it, and recalled that one of the main reasons I liked it was that the land was so pretty, although the grove had been developed into a picnic area– the development was minimal. But the footprint of the pool is still the same, and I suppose the pipes from the spring are original equipment? The water looks clear and seems, from the steam rising, it is still as warm as I remember. When I was a boy, I also used to swim in Medical Springs (over in Union county), but that had been abandoned before I was born, ‘swim at your own risk even then!’ It was so old that the bottom of the pool had 4 inches of concrete crumbles in it. Anyway, does your family have any plans for Radium? Are they going to develop it? Is it for sale?

  8. It’s fine finding me on facebook, I’m a friendly guy 🙂 I believe that it is all original pipes running to the pool, the spring is covered with rock, but when I was a kid it was open. Radium is developed as much as it can be, it is all considered wetlands and cannot be developed any further, it can not have any more buildings constructed not even a shop to work in. The only way to “build” a changing room was use a portable cabin. It is pretty warm, and can be turned up to be so hot u can’t get in.
    I’ve driven by Medical Springs a bunch and have seen some kids swimming in it once. I always wondered if they were supposed to be there.

  9. Funny to see this on here!!!!! And comments from Lumpy!!!! He passed away but the Internet age leaves lots of finger prints long after your gone.

    Radium is still closed to the public.

  10. Looking for hot springs on our way home from Yellowstone and saw farmer lumpy posted on here, what a trip! Miss him so much…he told me this story often after your family bought the springs. gone but not forgotten! RIP friend.happy birthday…and happy birthday to you too, Jesse, aka twin # 2!
    Andrea, Sean and scarlett

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